Nikolai Kulbaka on how Russia’s budget deficit is planned to be addressed, whether to trust Russian official statistics and why nominal GDP growth does not mean a healthy national economy.


  • The Russian government will further cut spending on health care, education and culture.

  • More efficient private investment is being replaced by inefficient public spending while consumer spending is falling.

  • The opaqueness of Russian statistics is already hurting government policymaking. It is practically impossible for financial sector officials to make the right decisions without good statistics.

  • Instead of investing in new, efficient production facilities, the military-industrial complex is spending most of its money on duplicating and repairing long-obsolete defense products. New designs have been shelved. As have long-term infrastructure projects. So, the biggest losses for Russia are still ahead.

    • 0x815@feddit.deOP
      1 year ago

      Probably, yes. Russia is a large country with extensive natural resources. Had the government spent its export revenues for the good of all the Russian people instead of just a few, Russia had a prosperous economy today.