House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said Tuesday he is directing House committees to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, amid pressure from some hard-right members of the Republican caucus to do so.

The inquiry would center on whether Biden benefited from his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings, among other issues, McCarthy said.

“These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption and warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives,” McCarthy told reporters Tuesday morning. “That’s why today I am directing our House committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.”

McCarthy spoke for three minutes, did not take any questions and left the lectern shortly after making his remarks. McCarthy has previously said he would not launch an inquiry without a vote by the full house.

The House faces a critical Sept. 30 deadline to fund the government and avoid a shutdown. McCarthy has been trying to hang on to support for a funding bill from far-right GOP lawmakers, who have been pushing to impeach Biden.

Republican leaders have been weighing whether to use an impeachment inquiry vote as a bargaining chip in the funding negotiations. But it’s not certain that Republicans have the necessary 218 votes to pass it. Some lawmakers are staunchly against it, and McCarthy has said that an impeachment inquiry would occur through a vote on the House floor, as opposed to his unilateral decision-making.

    4910 months ago

    We have 99 problems, but an impeachment ain’t one.

    Housing costs, food costs, education, funding the government, confronting climate change, the war in Europe, and the threat of right-wing terrorism.

    These motherfuckers are wasting money and more importantly time to give Trump and his cult a hand job.


    • Hairyblue
      1510 months ago

      This is all true. But Kevin can lose his position because of these crazy Republicans.

      Republicans want to have Biden be a criminal so so bad that this all they think about. But there is no evidence of this and that is a problem for them.

      Stop voting for Republicans, they don’t believe in our democracy.

        10 months ago

        But there is no evidence of this and that is a problem for them.

        Well, not really for that last part. They’ll be able to use this as a headline for their mouthbreathing base - “Biden getting investigated” - and of course we can count on the far right media to tell that to the base, as well as the “liberal media” doing the both sides thing again.

        There are still so many idiots that are mad at Hillary + Benghaaaaaaazzzzzi over…something. And all because of the exact same ploy.

        310 months ago

        Rather than wasting time with the impeachment, I’d love to see waste time and kick out McCarthy from the speaker position. Then they can spend another 15 voting periods not electing anyone else to the position, until finally settling on McCarthy again.

      1410 months ago

      This has the same aims as their bullshit Benghazzzzziiiiiiii “investigations” - it is meant to drive down Biden’s numbers in advance of an election.

      We can count on the bothsiderist “liberal media” to horse race this again, too.

    2310 months ago

    Good luck, Captain Dipshit. You’ve spent years, and millions of tax dollars failing to find dirt on him, and you’re going ahead with it anyway. And you wonder why the majority of this country find you to be less than intelligent.

      210 months ago

      It’s par for the course after investigating the Clintons for nearly 30yrs and only coming up with Billy cheating on his wife. Bidens the new Clinton’s as far as Republicans are concerned.

        110 months ago

        We all knew he was a cheater.

        We didn’t know he sexually penetrated a (willing and self-motivated tbf) White House employee with a cigar in the Oval Office and had her fellate him while he was on the phone with a Member of Congress.

        It was incredibly tawdry and done while working, at his workplace. So as the people reviewing his job performance, Congress had a right to look into it. At the time I certainly expected him to resign.

    • ZeroCool
      10 months ago

      There is no such thing as a reasonable republican anymore. And frankly, it’s debatable if any of them ever even made it through the Reagan era.

  • ZeroCool
    1210 months ago

    Republicans are utterly useless. What’s he being investigated for? “huuurrr we dunno… stuff!” Great job, Kevin.

  • Mammal
    10 months ago

    I think we all understand this for the empty nothing-burger it is. That said: Hunter Biden testifying before congress would be hilarious! At least a month of Republicans complaining about how Hunter is rich, attractive, has a huge shlong, does drugs, gets any job he wants, and has women lined up to bang him on-demand.

      710 months ago

      Comer: “Mr. Biden, be honest, would you say your penis is of average length and girth?”

      Hunter unzips his fly and allows his schlong to fall on the table with an audible and heavy thump, drawing gasps and a softly said “Holy shit.” from Nancy Mace, who stares at it as she attempts to compose herself and hide her blushing face

      • Jordan Lund
        710 months ago

        “Please note, Hunter Biden’s penis has been entered into the record.”

        • ddh
          10 months ago

          What hasn’t Hunter Biden‘s penis been entered into?

          710 months ago

          From under the shadows of the rafters comes a softly spoken “My precious. Is it huge? Is it tender? We wants it!” as large yellow watery eyes scan the proceedings locking on the massive member laying on the table

            10 months ago


            I could totally see Empty G as a size queen.

            Evidently, these gomers seem to think sharing dick pics of Hunter is somehow evidence of…something? All it tells me is that they’ve been obsessing over his dong. And Marj felt it necessary to put it up on a projector.

            Everything they do/say - PROJECTION. In this case, literally.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    210 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    “These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption and warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives,” McCarthy told reporters Tuesday morning.

    “That’s why today I am directing our House committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.”

    McCarthy spoke for three minutes, did not take any questions and left the lectern shortly after making his remarks.

    The House faces a critical Sept. 30 deadline to fund the government and avoid a shutdown.

    McCarthy has been trying to hang on to support for a funding bill from far-right GOP lawmakers, who have been pushing to impeach Biden.

    Republican leaders had been weighing whether to use an impeachment inquiry vote as a bargaining chip in the funding negotiations.

    The original article contains 223 words, the summary contains 122 words. Saved 45%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    110 months ago

    His whole affect was different talking about this thing.

    It is such complete bullshit that he can’t even manage a tone of voice that sounds like he believes it.

    -910 months ago

    We’ve already proven three times that Impeachments are toothless so let them have their widdle tempy tantrum.

    10 months ago

    lol this is just going to happen every term where the other party impeaches the president they don’t like

    this is such generic bullshit, of course he helped his kid, every president does something that could be characterized as ‘abuse of power’ or ‘obstruction’ or ‘corruption’. that’s what congress does EVERY DAY