Screen cap shamelessly stolen from the delightful
literally me bankrupting my entire family after tripping over a rock: 🇺🇸😎🇺🇸🦅
I’m sure this is exactly how Europeans react to getting stabbed
Sometimes when a Canadian feels sad, a friend will stab him, just to cheer him up.
provided we had replicators, yeah
Yup, laugh our heads off. Proper giggles
So, is it expensive to get stabbed in the US?
With fewer and fewer jobs giving health care in the United States, it’s bankrupting to have any medical condition. Hell, without coverage, my medications would cost me over $700 a month. So if you have anything saved up, it’ll be burned away in one ER visit. It’s why so many avoid taking an ambulance or even bother going in. Personally, I think I would rather die, than go to a hospital without insurance. Even with insurance, my co-pay is $100. Our country has become downright dystopian for the older with any health condition. Anymore I feel like the country is ran by the damn Ferengi.