Project 2025 blueprint for second Trump term envisages replacing thousands of career staff with political loyalists

America’s career diplomats are braced for the threat of a mass purge if Donald Trump wins the November election and for the potential flooding of the state department with loyalty-tested political appointees.

Rather than leading to a seamless change of course in a rightward Trumpist direction, the diplomats’ union and former ambassadors argue, such an attempted takeover would be much more likely to end in legal challenges, gridlock and chaos.

If elected, Trump has threatened to reinstate a policy he unsuccessfully attempted in his first term with the creation of “Schedule F”, a new category of federal employees which would be applied to tens of thousands of civil servants in “policy-related” jobs, robbing them of legal protections and making them liable to be fired at will.

    5 months ago

    US riots will always be localized or at least treated as such by the media, and thus isolated from the rest of the country. It’ll just be more city riots that further divide both sides, giving one justification for cracking down on the other

        5 months ago

        I, too, think that the best way to get people on my side is to burn their homes and livelihoods down. /s

        5 months ago

        Rural Americans would relish any opportunity to kill city dwellers they see as invading the small communities. While attempting to burn the countryside would certainly catch attention, the more likely event is farmers and sympathetic rural police forces killing urban citizens, especially those with brown skin or blue hair as that’s their normal scapegoats for what’s wrong in America if you listen to coffee shop talk.

        I grew up in rural America, I was in a diner getting breakfast before school when gay marriage was passed, the comments from every mouth except mine proved to my young mind that American is firmly divided, and there will be no repairing this house.