“Alito’s next opinion piece in the WSJ is about to be ‘I am a little king, actually. The Constitution doesn’t explicitly say I’m not,’” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) quipped.

    • queermunist she/her
      10 months ago

      That’s harder, obviously. They need the Speaker to call for impeachment proceedings, which isn’t happening without drastic measures.

      He also is only one man. He has an address. He has friends and family. He has business interests and donors and a whole host of private interests. He has investments and properties and associates.

      Those are all legitimate targets. There are millions of people that would move on AOCs command. She could call on all her supporters to make McCarthy’s life a living hell. He’s just one man. He can be defeated by the masses.

      • LemmyLefty
        410 months ago

        There are millions of people that would move on AOCs command.

        I’m sorry what? Agreeing with her, voting for her, campaigning for her: none of that is anything like the coordinated, multi-pronged and likely months long harassment campaign you’re talking about.

        • queermunist she/her
          -410 months ago

          Maybe they wouldn’t be willing to physically show up at a sit-in or something, but those people are still willing to participate in smaller ways and that still counts.

      • kitonthenet
        -110 months ago

        While I appreciate your forthrightness about the need to kill the speaker of the house, I don’t think that is going to go over well with the people I’d need it to go over well with

        • @CaptObvious
          110 months ago

          Nobody said that, and you know it. Stick to the topic. Your lack of logic and bad faith are showing.

            • @CaptObvious
              110 months ago

              I don’t think “stochastic” means what you think it means.

              Your deliberate attempt to misconstrue a clear call to nonviolent action into something that you can screech about or even claim as a threat is laughable. Honestly, if this is the best straw man the Right’s geniuses can come up with, it’s no wonder they’ve lost the new culture war.

                • @CaptObvious
                  110 months ago

                  Friend, if you were simply disagreeing, we might have a conversation. You’re not. You’re deliberately twisting a call for non-violent protest into a conspiracy to murder the Speaker of the House of Representatives. That is not simple disagreement. That is disengenuously creating a strawman in a way meant to frighten the person opposing you into silence. It’s a typical tactic used by those who know they’ve lost the argument but whose egos won’t let them acknowledge it.

                  You have a good life, too.

                • queermunist she/her
                  -310 months ago

                  I said we should make his life a living hell! That doesn’t imply I want him dead.

                  Okay, so to clarify: I want protesters to surround his house so he can never sleep again. I want them to follow him wherever he goes. I want them to go after his friends and family and business associates and donors. Beyond directly targeting people, there’s also boycotts and strikes which could be used to target his investments. Disruptive and nonviolent direct action would also be part of it.

                  Mass mobilization on as many fronts as possible to hurt McCarthy in every way imaginable, but it needs to be a living hell or else he’ll just be replaced with another demon.

                  • @CaptObvious
                    10 months ago

                    I’ll have to disagree on going after friends, family, and acquaintances. Go after him, his political funders and handlers, his businesses, and business affiliates if necessary. But leave the innocent bystanders out of it.