Reached 30 and the wheels started falling off. Gained 20 pounds and back pain out of nowhere, it’s like a damn sitcom. I feel uncomfortable in clothes I’ve worn for a decade so its time to put in effort. Better late than never I guess.

I want advice on good beginner resources. I’m talking really beginner, like how many reps to do, how long between reps, what machines to hit, etc. I’ve been to gyms before but just kinda rode the reclined bike them made shit up when I got to the weight machines. I also am terrible at not doing too much with my back, which is almost certainly where my back pain originates from, so extra instruction on how to properly engage my core is a bonus.

The one advantage I have is that I’m very good at tracking calories. I’ve just gotten lazy since Covid. So I’ve downloaded MacroFactor to try out some new technology. I’ve used Waistline recently but it’s just too cumbersome to add food, and I lose motivation.

Appreciate the help in advance!

P.S. the one upside to turning 30 is that I can grow a beard now. So at least I’ve got that going for me

  • CaptObvious
    10 months ago

    Ask at your gym about personal trainers. Check out their qualifications and reputation with other clients. If you just meet once or twice to outline a program, it may be worth the investment.

    Congrats on taking the first step!