Reading Three Days to Never by Tim Powers. The premise is pretty interesting, can’t wait to see where he takes it.

As mentioned last week, and are working on something related to Bingo card for books.

Keep your eyes peeled, just one week (or so) to go.

Also, welcome as a newly minted mod of this community!

Now to topic at hand, what have you been reading or listening lately?

  • InfiniteGlitch
    42 months ago

    Still trying to finish:

    • Slewfoot (book)
    • Eleanor is completely fine (book)
    • Haite Kudasai (manga)

    But university/ thesis is wrecking my time and in the weekends feel a bit to tired to read.

    • @dresden@discuss.onlineOPM
      22 months ago

      University / thesis are important. Don’t worry about the other stuff, it will be here when you are finished with those.