Reading Three Days to Never by Tim Powers. The premise is pretty interesting, can’t wait to see where he takes it.

As mentioned last week, and are working on something related to Bingo card for books.

Keep your eyes peeled, just one week (or so) to go.

Also, welcome as a newly minted mod of this community!

Now to topic at hand, what have you been reading or listening lately?

  • @JaymesRSM
    52 months ago

    I finished up the current Murderbot books and am working on some short stories and novellas by Ursula K Le Guin (The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas) and T Kingfisher (Minor Mage, Illuminations)

      • @JaymesRSM
        2 months ago

        The author has indicated that there will be more on the way and it’s definitely not reached a point one could call concluded. But I don’t know anything beyond that.