• @Raab@lemmy.world
    14 months ago

    I was in no was justifying it or condoning it. I was merely trying to reiterate OPs comment in a more understandable way. As someone who does get ridiculed constantly for my hobbies, yeah I understand, don’t worry. Once again I am only yearning for the days of civil conversation and not everything being offensive or a fight. No part of me ever downplays the severity of sexism against any gender, and I am actively in the fight against it.

    • shuzuko
      4 months ago

      But the point is, the implication that “it doesn’t happen very often” is wrong. It happens literally all the time, and trying to act like it doesn’t is downplaying the severity of sexism against women. So you questioned why I responded to the initial post the way I did? It’s because they were implying that this doesn’t happen, so I sarcastically said, ‘oh good, I must have imagined it’ to point out how fucking absurd it is for a man to claim this doesn’t happen to women and femme coded people. And in your other comment you flat out said you didn’t think it was an attack on women, which again is wrong. This is a thing that insecure and angry men perpetuate explicitly as an attack against women in what they see as “their spaces”. Again downplaying the inherent sexism in the act.

      My response to you served as your answer for “why I responded that way”: because this shit inundates women every day and we’re constantly told it’s not happening, or at least not at the rate we say it is. And that shit gets fucking old. So how else should I respond to yet another clueless numpty claiming my experiences didn’t happen? Should I coddle him and tell him it’s ok, he’s right and the world is actually roses and daisies and everyone who says otherwise is “larping”? Should I play the patient mommy and lead him along gently hoping he’ll eventually come to the conclusion that he was wrong? Yeah, sorry, after 20+ years most of us don’t have that kind of patience anymore. Ridicule seems to work better anyway because when we’re too kind we just get ignored 🤷🏻‍♀️

      • @Raab@lemmy.world
        14 months ago

        This is not an argument I’m willing to have. If it were a discussion and not generalization maybe I’d participate. I genuinely hope you do good in life and will continue what I do to break the male stereotype. Have a good night.

        • shuzuko
          04 months ago

          Sorry I hurt your fee fees by not telling you what a good ally you are for… checks… Thinking that it’s ok to imply women are making things up 😂

          • @Raab@lemmy.world
            04 months ago

            No, you are literally incapable of holding a conversation without projecting or generalization. No matter what you identify as, I don’t have time for that behavior.