It’s definitely an issue that’s not going away. The DNC really needs to figure it out and stop pretending that it doesn’t matter to voters.

  • @JaymesRS
    24 months ago

    Weird picking a genocide denier who made enough controversial statements Bernie pulled his endorsement before Cenk tried to Uno Reverse it by claiming he didn’t accept any endorsements.

    • Lopen's Left Arm
      24 months ago

      Also weird picking a guy who cannot constitutionally hold the office he’s running for. Cenk is not a natural born citizen of the United States, he can no more be president than Elon Musk or Arnold Schwarzenegger.

      -14 months ago

      While most Turkish people struggle to come to terms with the genocide, Cenk has long since admitted the Armenian genocide was a thing. But ok keep holding his comments from the 90s against him in perpetuity.

      • @JaymesRS
        24 months ago

        Weird how bringing up really old statements and positions up as a reason not to vote for someone is ok for the people you don’t want to vote for, but it’s bad when it’s the people you support.

          -14 months ago

          People can change their mind on things. When they don’t, those old statements can still be relevant.

      -24 months ago

      On the Bernie endorsement retraction during Cenk’s congressional run, yeah I’m sure that stung a bit. They’ve been allies for quite some time now. But this has always been a Bernie problem - he’s way too nice to his esteemed colleagues in DC. I think Cenk saying he didn’t accept endorsements was just to provide cover for Bernie and smooth out the debacle a bit, but he definitely did accept it when it came through initially.

      Cenk is ostracized from establishment politicians in DC and in the media because he constantly challenges the status quo, and fights hard for progressive policies. He would do this 10 fold in elected office. Why do you think this is such a terrifying prospect?