that’s one of the reasons i think Lenovo has won the laptop war, they include all operating systems and make it very easy to install any on your device, i love Ubuntu a lot, and chromeOS too

  • @CaptObvious
    227 months ago

    Dell also sells computers with Ubuntu installed. And I trust Dell.

    That said, Ubuntu isn’t my favorite flavor, so I’m likely to wipe it and install a different distro no matter what.

      • @CaptObvious
        27 months ago

        Thanks for the warning. I’m looking to replace my Inspiron, and the XPS series seems to be a contender.

        I’ve had a couple of issues with the Inspiron (the hinge broke just after the warranty expired and the keyboard has a busted spring that blocks five keys from working), but it also lives on my backpack for teaching, so I probably can’t really complain.

          47 months ago

          Still haven’t gotten the camera working. They seem to load up their custom firmware in their Ubuntu build but I wanted Arch btw. Also have some issues with recovering from sleep but can’t say for sure if it’s hardware/driver related.

          Non-Linux related, it’s only got 2 USB-C ports for external connectivity. Temperatures also seem to be all over the place. All might be forgivable if the keyboard wasn’t basically a flat sheet of plastic where your fingers can’t tell the keys apart.

            17 months ago

            Man if you insist on Arch that’s a you problem and not a hardware platform problem. I’m not a Dell fanboy but my XPS 13 is doing great, six years in with a battery change running of all things Win10 with WSL. It’s hassle-free dev environment.

        37 months ago

        Doesn’t the installation of the new OS do the wiping? I was wondering because I never did it differently.

          27 months ago

          It all depends on how sure you want to be that whatever was there previously is unrecoverable.

          DBAN is up to DOD standards if I remember correctly.

        27 months ago

        Pretty sure it’s still a functional option at least… Seems to remember it still being there on the last Hiren’s boot I used.

      • @CaptObvious
        17 months ago

        I’ve never used it, but it seems to have good recommendations. Honestly, I just rip out the HDD/SSD before letting the machine out of my sight. That’s the only method I really trust.

        For wiping before a Linux install, I usually use gparted or the installer’s tool.

      27 months ago

      Curious - what do you prefer wrt other distros? I’m just fascinated by what drives people in their individual directions. (I used to exclusively install Debian on things, but recently revitalized an old laptop by wiping windows and putting on Ubuntu. Have used CentOS too, but the Debian package stuff is just easy for me…)

      • @CaptObvious
        27 months ago

        I prefer Mint for ease of installation and use. It comes in Ubuntu or Debian flavors.

        I also have a RaspberryPi that runs Raspbian (Debian based, I think) and a tiny Linode server that runs Debian. Honestly, I tend to go with the easiest or most lightweight, depending on hardware.

          27 months ago

          I tend to like Debian-based. It’s just more familiar for me. Ubuntu has been nice because it seems to add in a few of the quality of life defaults I’d have done manually in Debian (things like aliases in bash, sudoers memberships, 3rd party repos, etc). Easily done in Debian, but slows down initial setup…

          I ran CentOS for a while, but I feel life’s too short to learn yet another package management system! (not that is hard, I just have finite brain cells…) 🙂

          • @CaptObvious
            27 months ago

            I hear you about finite brain cells. I had a group of international students several year ago who ran Zorin on their laptops. As the tech coordinator for our academic department, I tried to learn enough to help them out. But it was apparently the first thing I flushed after they left. :)