• @DragonTypeWyvern
    255 months ago

    There’s a pretty morbidly interesting interaction between Hindu nationalists and Nazis in that the modern Hindu nationalists seem to think Hitler thought they were “Aryan peoples” and thus he’s not talking about them when he goes on about untermensches.

    Which is on the face understandable, given actual history, but is ignorant of so many, many things about the Nazis, primarily that they lived a “race science” fantasy that had absolutely no historical basis.

    Not that I know anything about Ramaswamy, but if he is babbling about Great Replacement like he thinks they don’t think he’s the replacer that is probably a big reason why.

      • @DragonTypeWyvern
        75 months ago

        It’s because nationalists are dumb, ignorant weirdos that don’t live in reality, but they do have that in common with each other, so, ultimately, kinda?

      • @unreasonabro@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        can’t wait til asking for “source” on general world knowledge stops being a thing and starts being shameful, cuz its fucking awful

        • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
          85 months ago

          can’t wait til asking for “source” on general world knowledge stops being a thing and starts being shameful, cuz its fucking awful

          You can’t wait until people trying to educate themselves on a topic they haven’t heard before becomes shameful?

          • @MagicShel@programming.dev
            05 months ago

            Asking questions on an internet site full of random people isn’t education. And the thought that it is is why your Aunt Susan gets her vaccination information from fucking Facebook instead of a doctor. Not that getting it from the website with the best SEO is any better.