Just watched the Boy Boy video on George Bush’s Masterclass, and they made me think about which U.S. President was actually worse.

        • @cecinestpasunbot@lemmy.ml
          418 months ago

          Bush sued to stop a recount in Florida that would have likely led to Gore winning the 2000 presidential election. A conservative Supreme Court majority sided with Bush and stopped the recount. It makes Trump’s whole “STOP THE COUNT!” look amateurish in comparison. Bush actually was able to stop the count and got away with it.

          Gore didn’t want Americans to start questioning the legitimacy of our democracy so he conceded. The rally around the flag effect after 9/11 helped quash any further criticisms of how Bush came to office.

      • Monkey With A Shell
        8 months ago

        The electoral college stole them both an election, neither of them actually won their first term popular votes. With Bush it was just more screwed up because of it all coming down to a handful of votes in FL and however many recounts with the court eventually calling it quits. One of the few times where the popular and electoral votes didn’t agree but 2 withing 4 presidential terms isn’t a good sign. At some point we need to get rid of that arcane getup. Land doesn’t vote but those guaranteed 2 electors that every state gets ends up with places out in the middle of nowhere getting more votes per capita than actual population centers.


      • @popcap200@lemmy.ml
        18 months ago

        People like to say this, and I get it, I get the controversy, and I get why, but Florida was a statistical tie. A thousand recounts would have ended at the same spot of more infighting. The supreme Court was conservative leaning and decided in favor of the conservative to no one’s surprise. If the supreme Court was 5-4 liberal, Gore would have won.

        The whole issue is so much more two sided than people realize. For example, the person who invented the butterfly ballots was a Democrat politician.

        I am not personally in favor of the court’s ruling, I wish Gore had won. The world would be a MUCH better place without GWB having won the presidency.

      • mintyfrog
        -18 months ago

        When Bush stops a recount he’s stealing an election, but when Trump wants a recount he’s also trying to steal an election?

        • @mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
          38 months ago

          The Idiot yelled “stop counting!” every time it looked like he was ahead.

          Get the fuck out of here with this grade-school fumbling for how you imagine contradictions work.

      • @popcap200@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        I see you’re from feddit.de. Didn’t Germany have to prevent a planned coup by literal Nazis in the military, government, and police in 2022?

        • @venji10@feddit.de
          28 months ago

          I am not aware of anything really serious in Germany like with Trump in the US. What I alluded to was that in the US you only have the choice between bad and very bad in terms of parties. There are certain terrible things that nobody seems to be able to influence anymore like the problems with three-letter-agencies or gun control.

    • @satan@r.nf
      -188 months ago

      That’s a you problem, War crimes are bigger than you.

      • @popcap200@lemmy.ml
        38 months ago

        What until you hear about the war crimes of authoritarians. Just recently we have Assad gassing his own people, Russia stealing children, stealing land, and filling mass graves in Ukraine, Saudi Arabia murdering a journalist with a hacksaw. Bush may have started an illegitimate war, but the US military is comparatively very good when it comes to avoiding civilian casualties.

    • @OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      Way to downplay warcrimes and actual wars 👏👏👏

      Nobody who understands what Bush did thinks Trump is worse.

      Edit: ITT- People justifying senseless wars

      • @vivadanang@lemm.ee
        278 months ago

        No one is downplaying what Bush did, we’re accentuating how excruciatingly bad Trump’s actions were. See you comprehend that Bush’s crimes were horrible, you’re simply incapable of understanding that Trump’s were much, much worse.

        Many executives get their countries embroiled in foreign conflicts. Few actively attempt to subvert their own government upon their dismissal; they literally are the worst of the worst, and your inability to fathom this is either feigned or revealing.

        • How can what Trump did be worse than killing a million civillians, running torture camps, invading foreign nations, commitingto extrajudicial killings, and giving rise to the IS, who again killed hundreds of thousands of people, destroyed millenia of human history and culture and commited all imagineable atrocities?

          • @vivadanang@lemm.ee
            38 months ago

            Because Trump would normalize invading countries, running camps (he already kept kids in cages!), trying to get the government to commit extrajudicial killings, and idolizing tyrants like Putin, Orban, Kim, etc.,

            This isn’t hyperbole, there’s examples plenty of each.

            • Bush did all of this 20 years ago. To be fair though invading other countries, putting fascist regimes into power there, extrajudicial killings and camps all have been part an integral part of american history. It became a new quality with Bush though as the world progressed to a more humane standard at the time and the veil put around these things by Bush was much thinner, than by his predecessors.

              Still Trump is ultimately just continueing the work of Bush. It is just more noticeable as he is very loud and brazen about it, where Bush was only outspoken about it.

              • @vivadanang@lemm.ee
                08 months ago

                thanks for your stellar analysis, it’s factually incorrect and bereft of insight nuance or critical thought. keep trying to tie them together, it’s pointless but obviously keeps you very entertained.

          • @vivadanang@lemm.ee
            18 months ago

            lol someone just turned 13. that’s cute lil’ edge lord, your future is fucked regardless of politics.

      • @popcap200@lemmy.ml
        08 months ago

        I’ll say the same thing to you as I did the other guy.

        What until you hear about the war crimes of authoritarians. Just recently we have Assad gassing his own people, Russia stealing children, stealing land, and filling mass graves in Ukraine, Saudi Arabia murdering a journalist with a hacksaw. Bush may have started an illegitimate war, but the US military is comparatively very good when it comes to avoiding civilian casualties.

      • @satan@r.nf
        -128 months ago

        This shows their priorities. They don’t care about war crimes.

        • @cecinestpasunbot@lemmy.ml
          18 months ago

          I think it’s more a reflection of the media people consume. It’s easy for people to forget Bush’s war crimes when he’s been rehabilitated in part to make Trump look like an exceptional threat.