Comments by agriculture minister seem to signal shift away from focus on organic produce as shoppers choose cheaper meat

  • @Eq0
    29 months ago

    If you need to get re-elected, a drop on purchasing power is not going to do it. And many people definitely feel that their quality of life is strongly tied to their purchasing power. Are you really equally happy if you are not able to afford the same things you were buying last year?

      19 months ago

      It’s possible if you make an effort to steer away from advertisement and the consumerism ratrace. I’ve downsized several times in my life, with rather positive effects on my quality of life.

      • @Eq0
        39 months ago

        Sure, but that’s not what consumerism has been preaching, and not how elections are won. If you are interested in an ethical discussion, I fully agree with you. If you are interested in discussing how the world runs, you and I are outliers.