So, got in yesterday to check out the new update, prepped everything for the new missions, then headed onto KIM before starting to play, to get the chats out of the way.

I’ve been dating Lettie since first possible, kept the relationships through the resets. She had an unread message, opened it, asked me what would take me away from her. I went for the full-on romantic option, she instantly dumps me, and now acts insulted if I ask her to date me again.

Truth is, I can’t complain about this, it’s believable. I’ve been subjected to this kind of vehement and impulsive behaviour many times before, and it doesn’t suck any less this time, so it has to be realistic. But, man, did it put me off playing this game, to be very honest. Just made me want to get away from the mess.

  • misericordiae
    1 day ago

    I’m guessing maybe you haven’t played the New War quest (or Duviri, I guess) yet? There’s a story development that makes it not weird.