…just this guy, you know.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2023


  • just had a chance to re-read your take in a better headspace. pretty on target I would say. the leaders of this assault on reason and truth (excepting trump), however, I think have a much better grasp of what is objectively true

    the truly sickening thing is watching the grifters feed the desparate what they want to hear knowing that every single trump voter is a camp line candidate - just like everyone else.

  • no, not cartoon villains, just morbidly self interested and narcissistic.

    any host (out world included) has a finite carrying capacity. we are currently well beyond ours. the profit motive is strong in these people but, for a small but meaningful few, survival is (surprisingly) stronger - go figure!

    <ravings> however, in typical billionaire/trillionaire grandiosity, I don’t think the idea is just survival, but correction. and the correction is reducing the load on the planet to appropriate levels for profit and service - I kinda, sorta think the dime store tony stark himself, one elon musk, is there on this… </ravings>

    I have no proof other than my fevered imagination and observation of people and especially those who think themselves masters of the universe.

    am I right/wrong? I am not sure it matters. we are in 100% uncharted territory here and the likleyhood is high that we all go down together on this one.