• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Thanks for the assistance, @iso@lemy.lol.

    My new server uses a new domain. I do still have the old data (in fact, the old server is still up - that’s where I’m posting this from).

    I installed both Lemmy servers via Docker. It would be nice if I could rsync my account data (including post/comment history) from the old server to the new server, but I’m now wondering if my changing domains would make the old account not work at all in the new server.

  • Yes, @thegreekgeek@midwest.social, now knowing that I can use sentence syntax in automations, I have built 1 automation to handle my specific needs. But each trigger is a hardcoded value instead of a “variable”. For example, trigger 1 is “sentence = ‘what is the date of my birthday’” and I trigger an action conditionally to speak the value of input_date.event_1 because I know that’s where I stored the date for “my birthday”.

    What would be awesome is your 2nd suggestion: passing the name of the input_date helper through to the response with a wildcard. I can’t figure out how to do that. I’ve tried defining and using slots but I just don’t understand the syntax. Which file do I define the slots in, and what is the syntax?

  • From traefik’s access.log:


    All I can tell from this is that there is a DownstreatStatus of 500. I don’t know what that means.

  • Thanks so much for helping me troubleshoot this, @lemmyvore@feddit.nl!

    Is the browser also using the LAN router for DNS? Some browsers are set to use DoT or DoH for DNS, which would mean they’d bypass your router DNS.

    My browser was using DoH, but I turned it off and still have the same issue.

    Do you also get “Internal Server Error” if you make the request with curl on the CLI on the laptop?

    Yes, running curl -L -k --header 'Host: whoami.mydomain.com' on the laptop results in “Internal Server Error”.

    How did you check that mydomain is being resolved correctly on the laptop?

    ping whoami.mydomain.com hits

    What do you get with curl from the other VM, or from the router, or from the host machine of the VM?

    From the router:

    Shell Output - curl -L -k --header 'Host: whoami.mydomain.com'
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
      0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0-
    100    17  100    17    0     0   8200      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 17000
    100    21  100    21    0     0    649      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   649
    Internal Server Error

    From the wireguard client container on the “client” VM:

    curl -L -k --header 'Host: whoami.mydomain.com'
    Internal Server Error

    From the traefik container on the “client” VM:

    $ curl -L -k --header 'Host: whoami.mydomain.com'
    Internal Server Error

    From the “client” VM itself:

    # curl -L -k --header 'Host: whoami.mydomain.com'
    Internal Server Error

    From the wireguard container on the “server” VM:

    # curl -L -k --header 'Host: whoami.mydomain.com'
    Internal Server Error

    From the traefik container on the “server” VM (This is interesting. Why can’t I ping from this traefik installation but a can from the other? But even though it won’t ping, it did resolve to the correct IP):

    $ ping whoami.mydomain.com
    PING whoami.mydomain.com ( 56 data bytes
    ping: permission denied (are you root?)

    From the “server” VM itself:

    # curl -L -k --header 'Host: whoami.mydomain.com'
    Internal Server Error

  • Thanks for helping, @lemmyvore@feddit.nl.

    I’m browsing from my laptop on the same network as promox:

    The tunnel is relevant in that my ultimate goal will be to have “client” in the cloud so I can access my apps from the world while having all traffic into my house be through a VPN.

    The VM’s IPs are (“server”) and (“client”). They can see everything on their subnet and everything on their subnet can see them.

    Everything is using my router for DNS, and my router points myapp.mydomain.com and whoami.mydomain.com to “client”. And by “everything” I mean all computers on the subnet and all containers in this project.

    Both VMs and my laptop resolve myapp.mydomain.com and whoami.mydomain.com to, which is “client”, and can ping it.