No. Moving elsewhere is a high emotional and financial cost that I will avoid until it is not possible to avoid anymore (also, where in the world is safe of fascism rn?)
No. Moving elsewhere is a high emotional and financial cost that I will avoid until it is not possible to avoid anymore (also, where in the world is safe of fascism rn?)
I could give a ton of counter examples based only in Brazil
A concerning example regarding what I’m saying is the fact that over Rio de Janeiro there are drug cartels which distribute cocaine packed in Israel’s flag. I wish I was kidding.
Is it because they’re Jewish? They support Palestine’s genocide? No, they’re Christian Neopentecostal Evangelicals who apply their (unofficial but VERY real) rules based on the Bible and make money over cocaine cartels. Israel’s flag is a way of showing they are God’s chosen and the true governors of Rio de Janeiro.
This is only a superficial example.
See, when we analyze Latin America countries, one cannot think exclusively in terms of US or Europe political science. Our states may seem like weak forces when scrutinized from afar, however this is exactly the problem. Fascism has different ways of spreading through institutions and evangelical militias or drug cartels are literally everywhere. Sometimes, our states do not enforce fascism by law. They are weak on surface and extremely dangerous in their militias and affiliations with drug cartels. The contradiction is the rule around here. Mexico is not the heaven you make it sound. Do not trust a country’s safety based on official governments, it is a starter error when analyzing Latin America politics
Least likely to be involved… Unless Bolsonaro or any other dumbass decides it would be fun to lick Trump’s ass, which is very likely to happen if they arise to power in 2026. I wouldn’t be sure about that least likely remark. Also, there are ways to live in a fascist state even if it is not involved directly in a war - Getúlio Vargas is the name that comes to my mind, only to start
You are very, very wrong
“Which countries” basically all of them since the 1800s
Everyone saying Latin America has absolutely no clue about what Latin America is, lol. The only place safe from fascism rn is either another planet or being dead.
Eu li “conectividade de ETs” e fiquei muito confusa
Well, it’s not like a lot of public infra was properly designed, is it?
Não consigo nem terminar de ler, prefiro fingir que isso não existe, ou vou me deprimir
Thank you, I didn’t get it at first
Aqui tem sabedoria
I can’t believe it’s been less than 24 hours I lasted commented this on US politics, but
Jesus. Fucking. Christ
Eu também não vou ser candidata e isso não gerou notícia, absurdo!
Jesus fucking Christ
Bobeira isso aí. Um acontecimento desses não seria capaz de tirar o mandato de um presidente, apesar de ser uma babaquice que certamente atrapalhou. Mais uma vez esse escroto terceirizando a própria incompetência.
Ahhh!!! Eu adoro excertos históricos direto da fonte assim!!!
Eu com 26 anos já tô pedindo arrego.
Very good 👍🏻