And Parents do get enough money to buy those supplies, if they don’t provide their kids with it they might get in trouble.
And Parents do get enough money to buy those supplies, if they don’t provide their kids with it they might get in trouble.
Do you know about the Thunderstore mod manager?
quick reminder that only a single NATO member has called for help of their allies with article 5 so far
How many hours of cities skylines have you played and what is your opinion on the second part?
find ich auch, einige Kommentare die ich ablehne einige die ich gut finde und sehr viele bei denen ich denke “ja, aber…” die Tagesschau bleibt eine verlässliche Quelle der Mitte.
What is not love?
Mietverein ist eine gute Idee. Mach möglichst schnell eine Mietminderrung geltend.
Mieter haben in Deutschland sehr starke rechte, verrückte Regeln kann Sie aufstelllen wie Sie will, dass heißt aber nicht das du dich daran halten musst.
I click the left mouse button more often each day, also when you work in a production facility you have a bunch of repetitive tasks, automating them is pretty much was humanity did in the last century.
Yes, your grace, is a great short game
Hydrogen is the answer for that, cost about 100k today hopefully those cost will decline fast
I loved season 1 and 2, i just hope 4 will be better than 3
Firefox works for me, desktop and mobile
mostly. haven’t seen. YES (at least on par with Lammbock tbh). haven’t seen, but it’s seth rogan so maybe not. i did enjoy So (Ho) High as a teen tho.
don’t know how good the dub is, but Lammbock is the best stoner movie i’ve ever seen.
bei verstößen gegen 1. direkt zu löschen finde ich zu hart, dass schreckt neue Nutzer nur ab. Einen Verweis auf die Regel und bei Wiederholung löschen fände ich deutlich besser.
Even if they auctioned the prototype due to miscommunication Linus is willing to do the right thing here, and the fact that GN referred to it as selling not auctioning for charity tells us Steve is biased.
Linus might be wiling to do the right thing but he isn’t, he is lying.
You clearly haven’t watched the video, because Steve clearly states it was auctioned.
And when talking about companies fucking up, he always says the response to it is what matters most, his have been awful lately.
Einen gemeinsamen Ruhetag gibt es in fast jeder Weltreligion, wenn die sich mal einig sind ist warscheinlich auch was dran. Denke es stärkt den sozialen zusammenhalt, ob dieser Tag nun genutzt wird um in die Kirche, den Familienessen oder zum Festival zu gehen ist da ja egal.
While your comment doesn’t fit with the request made by op, i appreciate your contribution which made me and a few others interact with this post.