• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • …what do you get for $9 a month? I’m guessing you’re not in Ontario? Since I was a loyal long term customer I was lucky to get my bill down to 40 minus 10 bucks promotionally (which doesn’t show up in my account or say how long it’ll last) from 60 a month for 15GB of data. And now of course you can get more data for the same price or some shit as a new customer

    Opening up to international competition is one option… Honestly we could have Canadian companies be competitive but that would involve work and effort from all levels: government, consumer, and business.

    These dare the days of everyone wanting everything for free, but I’m not talking lazy hobos - I’m talking the entitled rich who think they can just keep sucking the rest of us dry indefinitely

  • …the reason “in some dialects of English native speakers really do say ‘should of’ etc” is phonetics. Kids hear “should’ve” and repeat it phonetically, before learning the actual words or their meaning. Combine that with the awful state of education and literacy in the USA (and other countries etc) and voila, you’ve got some armchair internet expert justifying it with some big words trying a weeeee bit too hard to make it work.

    Then you’ve got teachers who still gaf and know their shit who will correct this before middle/high school, and no, last I checked it was never added to the dictionary or considered correct. Language of course is living and ever changing, but the line must be drawn somewhere lest we devolve into shouting and grunts like neanderthals

  • juusukun@lemmy.catoBelleville Ontario@lemmy.caMcBabes
    1 year ago

    Oh man they’re just hiring babies in Belleville? Better than Kingston, not so much cradle robbing but more so foreigners buying up all the franchises for international students or other immigrants to work at. It’s not like fast food jobs are glorious whatsoever, and it just means some local isn’t going to be working the job to live paycheque to paycheque.

    The new fast food staff though, they tend to drive a lot of nice expensive cars which makes me scratch my head a little. Must be a family gift, or they live 10 people to a 5 bedroom or less. If it isn’t age or race, it’s class warfare. I’m all for immigrants having the opportunity to start a new better life somewhere, but I worry that all the people who spend years financially leaching money or resources from their home nation just come here and displace struggling locals.

    Sorry to politicize your hilarious video, but it just keeps bringing me back to the concept of us desperately needing a UBI