• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • I think it’s adorable how so many idiots think I’m some well-off CEO or executive. Bruh, I’m just like you, a person working a shitty job. I just don’t take dumb risks like you would. I know and care about the people I work around so I don’t do stupid fucking shit that’ll affect them like stealing from the store.

    Shitbags like you, sit there in your little internet armchair of knowledge, pretending you know it all but I bet you get welfare and foodstamps because you’re a deadbeat who doesn’t want to work. That’s why you think stealing is okay. That’s why you’re all up and arms to justify why shoplifting is okay. Because that’s where you probably are in life - at the damn bottom. Look at me, asshole, I get paid $17.82 an hour and my monthly expenses are north of $1,700. Do you have that kind of responsibility? Do you? No you don’t fuck ball, you don’t know a fucking thing about me, so sit down in that fucking little internet chair of yours and shut the fuck up. Go shove a dick in that run a mouth of yours, retard.

  • I want to see realism. Like, the thing that takes me away from watching cooking channels and videos is that everything seems to be perfect. A little too perfect. Everyone has all of the ingredients at the ready, everyone has all of the right sizes of pans, pots .etc

    Not to say I want to see people struggle while cooking, but I’d like to watch people go through the steps it takes to cook whatever it is and with helpful information along the way. Not just some person going “a tad of this” or “a sprinkle of that” “now throw it in the oven for 10 minutes and it’ll be perfect!” kind of ways.

  • Oh another armchair revolutionist…

    Do you really think it’s that’s simple? Tell me, how do you think we’re to accomplish a revolution without shedding blood? What is the aftermath and the road after such a revolution, should it succeed?

    You see, nobody in the world really thinks about these things enough as they like to believe that they do. They think that they can get off their couch, revolutionize, then just go back to their couch and watch TV like nothing happened? No, it doesn’t work like that. You need progressive ideals and a bigger map of the change you want to see in the country. And there isn’t anybody in the world that I know of, that can do that. Nor is anyone here going to try.

    So I don’t want to hear about “need a revolution” unless I know that fucker at least has a roadmap in how to accomplish it and what will happen after it.