Company folded, being layed off sucks.
Company folded, being layed off sucks.
Yeap, The Watch Steward in post is like MN. I’m partial to the “G Series” as that doesn’t need spring bar removal to change out.
Buuuut I think one can’t get away from elastic webbing itself stretching out. Left is ~3 month old, One on the right stretched to ~1.5x it’s original length, had to trim it after ~5 years of use .
edit: added length-of-use
That super techy soap bag is awesome, that would do away with…
toilet paper core wicking moisture from bar soap
waterproof mess barrier of valved coffee bag.
I might have that matador soap bag in my Amazon wishlist , but biweekly coffee bean delivery’s have me stocked on valved coffee bags.
edit: can’t words
Been stuffing bar soaps in toilet paper core and sticking em inside used coffee bean bags with valve.
edit:fixed coffee bag link
Hong Kong Disneyland survival gear in middle of hot+humid summer
Holding off as until last day is confirmed, IT being near end of facility teardown.
Retrenchment benefit(?) is like a year of salary, so there’s that.
Just glad that I received news with teammates and rest of company, can’t imagine getting this on my own.