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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I used to think this line of thinking was dangerous and was going to help Trump win reelection. But I think you’re right, we can’t let the threat of a Republican being elected coerce into supporting a genocide.

    The only clear answer is to teach the Democrats they need to hear and listen to us and champion our policies. The only way I can see to do that is to throw my support entirely behind Donald Trump and other Republican candidates up and down the ballot.

    Maybe once only right wing candidates are winning the Democrats will learn that the only way to power is to run extremely left wing candidates and we’ll finally see some progress.

  • Congratulations, by not voting for Biden none of your politics are being represented and you’re helping Trump get elected.

    As a bonus, by helping Trump get elected you’ll be actively aiding and abetting whatever Trump decides to do, which I’m sure will be great for the people in Gaza.

    But you’re not crossing your line in the sand so I’m sure you’ll sleep well at night knowing you stuck to your guns.

  • I’ve had pretty good luck running llamafile on my laptop. The speeds aren’t super fast, and I can only use the models that are Mistral 7B and smaller, but the results are good enough for casual use and general R and Python code.

    Edit: my laptop doesn’t have a dedicated GPU, and I don’t think llamafile has support for Intel GPUs yet. CPU inference is still pretty quick.

  • I’ve been using Proton pass for about a week and it’s okay so far.

    Importing passwords from another manager is pretty easy, except that it can only be done from the browser extension. I had to dig out my laptop to import my passwords which was kind of annoying since I rarely use it.

    Proton Pass also doesn’t work great on mobile, it rarely recongnizes username fields in my browser. This means I have to manually copy/paste my username and password from the app to the browser to login, which is annoying.

    I really like that Pass automatically generates a private email address for each website, but I’m not sure how useful that is in terms of privacy because I still have to get things shipped with my real name and address.

    Another nitpick I have is using the same password for my email to also secure all of my passwords and generate my TOTP for 2FA. If my Proton password gets compromised then all of my passwords, my 2FA, and my email are compromised. Seems like a pretty serious security risk, but I’d really appreciate it if someone who knows more about security could explain to me why this is actually okay.