Elixir solution
To run it, you need Erlang and Elixir installed with iex
available on path (installation instructions here)
Paste the code in a file with extension .exs
(e.g. solution.exs) and run with iex solution.exs
It prints the output to Standard Output and appends a newline at the end
Please let me know if this method of running code does not work.
defmodule Brackets do
@pairs %{
"]" => "[",
"}" => "{",
")" => "("
def simplify(brackets) do
|> String.trim()
|> String.graphemes()
|> Enum.reduce([], &reducer/2)
|> Enum.reverse()
defp reducer(c, []), do: [c]
defp reducer(c, [x | rest] = acc) do
if @pairs[c] == x do
[c | acc]
brackets = IO.gets("Please enter your input> ")
|> Brackets.simplify()
|> IO.puts()
I have a System76 Lemur Pro 10, while the hardware quality is poor (poor speakers, poor quality chassis, poor trackpad), it has been pretty solid otherwise for the last 4 years, with PopOS as my daily driver which I really love.
For work, I use a 2019 MacBook which has great hardware, but I am not a fan of MacOS. Will soon ask for upgrade to an M1. (My perfect laptop would be Apple hardware running PopOS).
My next laptop will likely be a Framework laptop unless System76 rolls out their own hardware which is much much improved than their current lot. I hope my current laptop will probably last 2-3 more years, if not more. (btw I use Steam Deck for gaming needs)