🏳️‍🌈 lui/he/him 📍Bologna (IT)

Arti visive, graphic design, videogiochi, astronomia, caffè, diritti LGBT, gatti e cose ignoranti
Nel tempo non libero faccio il grafico

Scrivo una tesi sull’onboarding al Fediverso, #TheFediGuide

Visual arts, graphic design, videogames, astronomy, coffee, LGBT rights, cats and silly stuff
In my busy time I’m a graphic designer

Writing a thesis about Fediverse onboarding, #TheFediGuide

Foto ❦

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2025

  • Until now I’ve always been using Porlex mini II, but sadly I broke the burr. I was pretty happy about it but I learned it is generally considered as an inconsistent grinder, so I looked for an upgrade in my setup and K6 seemed a good choice.
    To be honest I did notice a certain range of dimension in the Porlex ground, but the resulting coffee always seemed good enough for me. I’m curious about the difference with the K6

    About, I’m using Sharkey to post, so I don’t really know if lemmy supports the following of users. I guess it’s not possible, since Guppe groups are technically bot accounts, Lemmy shouldn’t be able to see them as communities

  • as far as I know, that number shows the number of shares. It is not an indication that you are seeing that post because it was boosted tho.
    The thing is, if I follow a user and that user boosts a post from someone I’m not following, that post is supposed to show up in my TL, in the same way as any other Fediverse platform. However that doesn’t happen. I tested it: on Pixelfed home TL you only see posts from users you follow, you don’t see boosts of posts made by users you’re not following. And since the purpose of boosting is to let you know new people, that’s a really big bummer

  • cold brew stays fresh and good for days, I’d say a week at least, I guess you would probably need to worry about the safety factor before the flavour. However in the summer I usually make 1 liter and it get consumed in 4/5 days, but I think it can last more. Of course you need to keep the jar well sealed.
    Note that after little time a thin white film starts forming on the surface. That’s totally normal and you shouldn’t worry about it, it is not mold (as it should need much more time to form) but some water and coffee minerals and residuals concentrating on top. It’s not aesthetically appealing but it’s totally safe.