25 Another Reddit refugee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Yeah again it’s super inconsistent in how it’s described. Also given how long the slash is going from neck to chest I dunno just can’t imagine how she managed that. There’s the defensive cuts and the one near her neck just BARELY missed her carotid artery.

    Also something that’s never mentioned is that her youngest child who was I believe 7 months lived and was asleep upstairs with her husband. How did he not wake up? Why would she kill her two kids and leave the other one?

    I dunno I kinda wonder if it wasn’t some kind of domestic abuse situation gone particularly bad where she was coerced into going with the intruder story.

    Idk I just can’t say that there’s anywhere near enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt she did it.

  • After more reading it still seems like a lot of this is based on blood splatter stuff which is still super weird. It really sounds, the more I read the statement of facts, they took someone who was pretty fucked after what happened and who was already a little crazy and then cross examined the fuck out of her till she was like “I don’t remember what happened!”

    Which like shit I get that way when my girlfriend questions something I said too much. I have 0 confidence in my own memory.

    I mean I agree with the defense like if you’re willing to kill why not kill the husband for his life insurance why not idk rob someone. Killing your kids is such a shenanigans way to go about this if the motive is financial struggles.

    The big thing that makes me question things is one of the knives in the block having fibers that are supposedly consistent with the intruder’s entry point on it. A lot of people take that as she cut it from the inside and put the knife back. I mean that sounds compelling and all but like that’s really the only thing here that feels like actually evidence that it may have been a staged crime scene.

    Other than that it just seems a lot like they’re speculating on blood stain patterns, remarking on a lack of evidence that there was an intruder when a lot of the evidence they expect from an intruder aren’t the type of thing that HAS to be there, and they keep referencing these statements on the wound she had that are in my opinion really inconsistent. Like why’d they do the exploratory surgery? Idk the whole thing doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

  • Idk about “racist-leaning” I’m definitely gonna need receipts for that one, but they were definitely political definitely rage bait at times.

    For the most part tho they just seem to be like socialist/communist/anarchists with all the opinions you’d imagine those ppl would have.

    Idk if I agree with defederating with them I mean they’re a HUGELY popular instance that really just served as a place for political views that, at least to my knowledge, are pretty popular among Lemmy users.

    It shouldn’t be surprising that a LARGE amount of the people who fled corporate social media to make a community owned social media with no centralized “governance” are socialists, communists, and anarchists.

    Seems like a bit of a hasty step to just defederate. Also I can’t find any proof of a vote after searching quite a bit.

  • I absolutely think you should wait until you secure a new place.

    As someone who has done the breakup thing with someone I’m living with, and also broken up with someone after helping them find a new place to live (I used our cats not getting along as an excuse). I can say with no doubt in my mind that I preferred the situation where another place to live was found first. It’s better for finances and it’s better to give y’all time away from each other.

    There are a few and especially imo one fuckin major downside though to moving then splitting: the splitting of the items. Living with someone post breakup you have way more time to start really taking inventory of what is yours. Depending on how cordial y’all are I’ve also seen it workout such that it COULD result in you remaining friends easier.

    That being said, in my experience at least, that being friends by living together depends WAAAYY more on the person in question. Like I lived with an ex and it was fine but I’ve also lived with an ex and they were fuckin nuts sneaking into my room and looking through my shit all the time.

    Disclaimer: My current situation is goofy bc me and the person I’m with are like back and forth on even wanting to date but we’re so intertwined in each other’s financial situations that like I can’t decide if they wanna stay with me bc they actually like me or bc they’re so concerned about not being able to afford life.

    I do really see both sides to this. At the end of the day though getting away from one another is necessary 99% of the time. If you want to be friends you need time away from one another. Also, even if you’ve been with them a long time it’s nearly impossible to tell how fuckin crazy a breakup will make someone.

    I had a seemingly normal loving person i was with for 3 years (the one I helped get her own place that i mentioned earlier) just destroy my room when one of my roommates let her back in after our breakup.

  • What my man Edric here says is facts bc doing that in the summer or the winter is balls.

    It’s ok ish spring and late fall but between our car delivery people and the cart people two of them got hit by a car within 6 months or so.

    I’d much rather keep my annoying ass spot in electronics than be constantly pinching my fingers on carts and finnicking with the stupid cart wrangler controller in the hot sun or freezing winter