Wordle 1.207 5/6
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Wordle 1.207 5/6
I went back after the original purge since some niche communities are dead here but… OMG if they do this I will finally be free of them.
Community mods are not the same thing as reddit staff (admin)… I mean probably sometimes they can be the same person, but not normally.
Is not about the nips, but the mammary glands.
Oh naw, that was macklemore. Maybe you are in a different timeline? Lol
Maybe you confuse him with Mac Miller?
I’m still jealous about the content, support and update they get
I know what you mean. I play rocket league and they sidelined our devs from working on updates for a whole year (without communication) which left the community thinking it was a UE5 sequel in the works… and then it turned out they were just making a kart style racing game to add to fortnite.
In the mean time, smurfs and bugs are rampant and they’ve started removing game modes and other features like item trading. -_-
But hey, at least I can make my car look like the mandalorian… if I pay for it.
Can this be the top comment please… so tired of rage bait