• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m working on a music collection manager with a TUI for myself. I prefer to buy and own music instead of just streaming and I have a selhosted server with ZFS and backups where I keep the music and from which I can stream or download to my devices. There are websites which help you keep track of what you own and have wishlists, but they don’t really satisfy my needs so I decided to create my own. Its main feature is to have an easier overview of what albums I own and don’t own for the artists I’m interested in and to maintain a wishlist based on this for my next purchases. I’m doing it in Rust, because it’s a hobby project and I want to get better at Rust. However, it has paid off in other ways. The type system has allowed me to create a UI that is very safe to add features to without worrying about crashes. Sometimes I actually have to think why it didn’t crash only to find that Rust forced me to correctly handle an optional outcome before even getting to an undefined situation.

  • Correct. And getting the right configuration is pretty easy. Debian has good defaults. The only changes I make are configuring it to send emails to me when updates are installed. These emails will also then tell you if you need to reboot in subject line which is very convenient. As I said I also blacklist kernel updates on the server that uses ZFS as recompiling the modules causes inconsistencies between kernel and user space until a reboot. If you set up emails, you will also know when these updates are ready to be installed because you’ll be notified that they’re being held van.

    So yea, I strongly recommend unattended-upgrades with email configured.

    Edit: you can also make it reboot itself if you want to. Might be worth it on devices that don’t run anything very important and that can handle downtime.

  • A few simple rules make it quite simple for me:

    • Firstly, I do not run anything critical myself. I cannot guarantee that I will have time to resolve issues as they come up. Therefore, I tolerate a moderate risk of a borked update.
    • All servers run the same be OS. Therefore, I don’t have to resolve different issues for different machines. There is then the risk that one update will take them all out, but see my first point.
    • That OS is stable, in my case Debian so updates are rare and generally safe to apply without much thought.
    • Run as little as possible on bare metal and avoid third party repos or downloading individual binaries unless absolutely necessary. Complex services should run in containers and update by updating the container image.
    • Run unattended-upgrades on all of them. I deploy the configuration via Ansible. Since they all run the same OS, I only need to figure out the right configuration once and then it’s just a matter of using Ansible to deploy it everywhere. I do blacklist kernel updates on my main server, because it has ZFS through DKMS on it so it’s too risky to blindly apply.
    • Have postfix set up so that unattended-upgrades can email me when a reboot is required. I reboot only when I know I’ll have some time to fix anything that breaks. For the blacklisted packages I will get an email that they’ve been held back so I know that I need to update manually.

    This has been working great for me for the past several months.

    For containers, I rely on Podman auto update and systemd. Actually my own script that imitates its behavior because I had issues with Podman pulling images which were not new, but which nevertheless triggered restarts of the containers. However, I lock the major version number manually and check and update major versions manually. Major version updates stung me too much in the past when I’d update them after a long break.

  • I expose my services to the web via my own VPS proxy :) I simply run only very few of them, use 2FA when supported, keep them up to date, run each service as rootless podman, and have a very verbose logcheck set up in case the container environment gets compromised, and allow only ports 80 and 443, and, very importantly, truly sensitive data (documents and such) is encrypted at rest so that even if my services are compromised that data remains secure.

    For ssh, I have set up a separate raspberry pi as a wireguard server into my home network. Therefore, for any ssh management I first connect via this wireguard connection.

  • Most open source vpn protocols, afaik, do not obfuscate what they are, because they’re not designed to work in the presence of a hostile operator. They only encrypt the user data. That is, they will carry information in their header that they are such and such vpn protocol, but the data payload will be encrypted.

    You can open up wireshark and see for yourself. Wireshark can very easily recognize and even filter wireguard packets regardless of port number. I’ve used it to debug my firewall setups.

    In the past when I needed a VPN in such a situation, I had to resort to a paid option where the VPN provider had their own protocol which did try to obfuscate the nature of the protocol.

  • Thanks for your reply! One thing I’m struggling with networkd is hysteresis. That is, toggling the interface down and then back up does not do what I expect it to. That is, setting the interface down does not clear up the configuration, and setting the interface up does not reconfigure the interface. I have to run reconfigure for that. I was hoping that the declarative approach of networkd would make it easy to predict interface state and configuration.

    This does make sense because configuration is not the same as operational state. However, what would the equivalent of ifdown (set interface down and remove configuration) and ifup (set interface up and reconfigure) be using networkd and networkctl? This kind of feature would be useful for me to test config changes, debug networking issues, disconnect part of the network while I’m making some changes, etc.

  • I deploy as much as I possibly can via Ansible. Then the Ansible code serves as the documentation. I also keep the underlying OS the same on all machines to avoid different OS conventions. All my machines run Debian. The few things I cannot express in Ansible, such as network topology, I draw a diagram for in draw.io, but that’s it.

    Also, why not automate the certificate renewal with certbot? I have two reverse proxies and they renew their certificates themselves.

  • Well, that’s just not true. WSL indeed is not Linux, but it does have several of the advantages of Linux.

    It is not good if you want a home desktop solution, because that’s not what it’s there for. However, if you need to use Windows for something, e.g., at work to have full outlook MS office compatibility (access through the web is not great) but need Linux for dev work then WSL is great.

    In short, I’d say WSL is there if you want to do dev work on Linux, but everything else on Windows.