• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Been ages since I had to recompile a Linux kernel to deal with hard real time (via RTAI) but I recall emc2 being a great alternative to all the fussing around recompiling as some one did all the work for that.

    I also recall using this resource . Eventually I just made a class for the threads I was using to wrap POSIX and RTAI calls for periodic tasks and chose which was the underlying method on a compiler flag. If I was on my desktop I could proof of concept most things in POSIX and then test on the RTAI machine. If I need to revisit this again I may dust off my old class and add freeRTOS stuff to it so I can prototype on Linux then try to squeeze it on to an esp32.

  • No it’s not paranoia if they are actually out to get you.

    If they are out to get us it’s just baffling to me. The internet was originally designed as a communications tool to survive large parts being damaged in the event of a major disaster/attack.

    It got hijacked by people first who used it to share less and scientific information and more for the lack of a better word human information. Then corporations came and wanted to extract value from it some how. So we had the Dotcom bubbles and pop-up ads.

    Now I don’t have the hindsight now to succinctly explain what happened next but then Facebook became a dominant social media platform. And everyone gave them info about themselves contrary to the previous advice about never using your real name on the internet.

    Now we have governments world wide actively trying to police porn a good 50 years after it existed on the internet. 20 years since it was freely and widely available as streaming video? What’s the goal trying to tax free porn somehow?

    I think the genie is out of the bottle at this point.