• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Thank you for this interesting post in praise of the em dash.

    When I need it, I myself prefer using an en dash separated with spaces to an em dash without, as I find it more visually appealing – the em dash looks odd to me stuck on the end of a word, and provides fewer options for good word spacing. Does that make me a “continentally-challenged user of English”? If so, which continent?

    Also, in this sentence

    So, they weren’t wrong, but they could have just said that they link two sentences to show a stronger connection–other specific syntactic units have nothing to do with it.

    I’d use a semi colon there:

    So, they weren’t wrong, but they could have just said that they link two sentences to show a stronger connection; other specific syntactic units have nothing to do with it.

    What’s the motivation for replacing semi colons and ellipses with em dashes? For me, having access to different punctuations, used correctly of course, adds variety to language.