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Joined 10 days ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2025


  • The list of favourites:

    Super Mario Sunshine because it felt like an actual world rather than levels and minigames.

    Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door because of the roleplay elements. It felt a lot more experimental and less restrictive in terms of character designs and personalities.

    Luigi’s Mansion because of the ghost collection feature, I really liked touring them in the art gallery area and reading the little blurbs about them.

    Mario Paint because of its utility. It was fun to compose little tunes and doodle with it.

    Mario Kart DS because of the local co-op. You could race with your friends even if they didn’t have a copy. This is also the only Mario title that has custom emblem maker to my awareness, a feature I really wish they brought back.

    Super Princess Peach because the art style was really fun and I liked the idea of saving Mario and Luigi. It has its flaws but I still find it an enjoyable title I revisit from time to time.

  • I would be particularly cautious suggesting this to people with psychosis related disorders like bipolar or schizophrenia on top of ADHD as it can be detrimental to their wellbeing.

    It sounds like it can be helpful for some people but considering how it worsens some symptoms like short term memory, motivation, and cognitive ability I would not consider it a replacement for prescription medication.

    Certainly a very interesting topic of research, I would like to see more done… A refinement on dosage recommendations, strains specifically grown to cater to ADHD… Theres also the fact that the method of intake changes how it effects you (edibles vs smoking). If there is any way to lessen undesirable side effects…

    And for the record, not all prescription medication for ADHD is amphetamines.

  • So I’m going to preface that I have never done this before but here is what I could find on the topic:

    Hardware wise you could look into a Capture Card, has to be installed into the 3DS by opening it up. I see people offering this service on eBay for a fee. I’m not sure these offer audio capture on top of visual, I imagine you will need to use an aux cable with some extra steps.

    Actually accessing the capture is a different story, these cards don’t officially support macOS so you’ll have to use 3rd party software which may or may not be actively updated. Software I saw mentioned:

    cc3dsfs, CuteCapture, xx3dsfml, DualCapture. No idea on their status though, so if you go this route make sure to look into it!

    Software wise I found a tutorial on the Wiki Hacks Guide. TLDR you can stream visual only over wifi, audio being streamed via aux cable with some extra steps.

    Your cheapest option because it’s FREE!


    Hopefully someone experienced chimes in!