Just a small anecdote from a truck owner. I showed up to Lowe’s to order a fridge to be delivered. It was $1,800 and I ended up buying the exact same thing on clearance for $400 only stipulation was I had to take it then and there no holds and delivery wasn’t even an option. Ya I could have rented a truck from them but it was 9pm and 45 minutes from my house. Without my truck I may not have been able to get it.
Also, I use my truck as a truck at least once a week mostly because I get free garbage at my work so I just throw everything away there and just toss our trash bags in the bed of my truck. It’s also great for small projects around the house. Like when I put up our pool. Needed to get dirt out of the back yard and was able to get my truck back there to load everything and then bringing it the sand for under and rocks for around I can get my pick up back there but a company delivering with a dump truck or something similar.
No doubt just saying that some people who drive them as normal people everyday do have a use for it.