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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • SunBabe@lemmy.worldtopics@lemmy.worldTunnel
    1 year ago

    I hear there are some cool tunnels here in LA do you know where they are, I have a buddy coming to visit and thing they would love to see them. Goimg to do a lot of hiking and i kmow they are located somewhere nead griffith park

  • thank so much for this article it really helped me. Understand a lot of things And i immediately connected with a lot that was said. I was in a very toxic both abusive verbally and physically and always made excuses for that person because i loved them and thought they loved me. Sadly a lot of the abuse was done while he or she was under the influence and never remembered the abuse. Eventually the abuser only wanted to remember what the abused person did and said after being bullied over and over again as a way of finally trying to defend themselves and just ran with that. Flipped everything around saying the person who continuously stayed by their side and was willing to forgive and try to move on.Because of their constant blackouts ended up turning on the person and did a lot of those bullet points to that person. I the abused finally towards the end just agreed with whatever the person was saying knowing the person they loved and tried so hard to lift their spirits just used them as their excuse instead of trying to listen to them and maybe understand that they understood they did things they were not proud off and apologized for several times hoping the abuser would do the same. Instead the abuser went further into their own denial and added insult to injury to me by turning me into their scapegoat. I had trust issues before getting with this partner that did make me cause problems in our relationship but now i am seeing a therapist because after him i have lost all trust i had as tiny as it was. Still hurts until this day. so please get out of that abusive relationship they will never stop and like mine did they will end up blaming you for it all.