• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Not sure how many mods you’re looking to add but I’d like to help out. I’m a speech/debate coach for elementary through college level competors so while I don’t have moderating experience online I perform very similar duties on my day-to-day jobs… You would not believe the shit that comes out of the mouths of 9y/o children… Before migrating over to federated systems, on reddit I was u/AudioBoss. I’m a dirty trans commie (they/them); I don’t fuck with tankies, fascists, TERFs, etc. I got halfway through a masters program in human communication with an emphasis on critical/cultural studies (studies of activism, oppressive systems, meta-studies of Academia, etc) before dropping out to raise a kid coming in January.

    I work with kids so I have a ton of viable experience towards moderating you all /j

    Questions: how much time would you expect each mod to dedicate each day or week? How often (if ever) would the mods discuss the community?

  • “I don’t need to learn anything else in this world.” has the same meaning as “I know everything” imo. Logically, that tracks. If you don’t need to learn anything else, it’s because you know everything. “want” and “need” create two very different sentences. If she had said “I don’t want to learn anything else,” then fine, whatever, you do you.

    That was the process of reading comprehension. If the reader is missing context, and/or is unable to integrate the reading to life experience that’s a different issue; that had nothing to do with reading comprehension.

    I guess I was taking it too literally, based on your response.

  • I’m AuDHD, which I think is why I get affected differently. The few times I’ve actually gotten high made me just feel light headed and sluggish. Not a fan. It’s the same feeling I get when I have a particularly bad sinus infection.

    Indica just makes me tired, especially hybrid edibles. I’ve taken up to 20mg, and I just get tired. No high, but nausea.

    I have a Rove Sativa vape pen (Waui) that I microdose off of. Before I dropped out of grad school I would do hippie speedball (MJ and caffeine - because my psychiatrist won’t give me meds for ADHD to focus and it was the only thing that seemed to help) during finals week. Otherwise, because I mask so hard, vaping before a social function to just barely feel it helps me unmask.