Maybe when some actually stick. He’s toeing the line now, uses them for threats to seal the deal but none have stuck yet.
But MAGAs will twist it into a win either way. Things get too expensive to import? Yay domestic factories! Jobs! Economic independence! Companies won’t give all our jobs to China when it costs more than employing us!
We went from no computers to computers in your toothbrush, from pong to Cyberpunk 2077 in what, less than 50 years?
People think if that can happen, we are just one ion booster or warp bubble invention away from interstellar travel. Surely that too can happen in less than 50 “as long as we stop limiting businesses ability to invest and grow and…” all those other things they’ve been told are holding us back.
And since the CDC has been muzzled and WHO departed from, guess we’ll see if we’re magically healthier without them.