Also my car when I am not in a good financial position
Also my car when I am not in a good financial position
how do you cope?
Panic attacks, mostly
Honestly, been drowning in life so much lately that I forgot the Super Bowl even happened, lol
Did not realize they actually changed the name for realsies yet
I fucking love how there is basically only one comment on this entire post
I expected this ages ago, I must have superpowers or something
Musk always looks like he just shit his pants and is realizing he shouldn’t have trusted it
I, with nothing but a criminal amount of free time and a splash of insanity, could probably maintain a nearly perfect, up-to-date, and highly detailed list of every single major holiday observed in the world, and I’m a dumbass with no money. Pretty sure Google could afford a couple extra holidays if they cut the budget of the racism department.
Would much rather pay a small developer directly than be force-fed ads, even if the excuse is that the ads pay the bills. I don’t think this is a particularly unique sentiment and there are plenty of less scummy ways to generate funding than by running advertisements.
The funny irony is that because money is mostly made up bullshit anyway, we kinda could just decide to print more money and keep its value. Granted, it would take the unanimous agreement of basically everyone on this silly little planet, so the chances of this ever occurring are effectively absolute zero, but still, there is no actual rule that says we cant except for the ones we ourselves created
People are already not surviving, literally and figuratively, the time has long since come and gone to “hope” the problem isn’t real. The problem very much here, and it is absolutely going to kill us unless we do something about it right fucking now.