Are they? Ukraine had many years to implement the Minsk agreement, Instead, Ukraine proceeded to implement new language laws which discriminated against the Russian language (going against the agreement), continued to imprison and torture political dissidents after the agreement was made as per Amnesty International which was also in violation of the Minsk Agreement which explicity stated that Ukraine was not allowed to imprison or punish people due to events related to the war in Donbas. Ukraine also refused to allow local elections.
"Ukraine insists that local elections can take place only after a complete ceasefire and withdrawal of all Russian troops and weapons.
Clear violation of spirit of agreement as such Russian forces were necessary for protecting the autonomy of the people in the Donbas until Minsk implementation.
Nothing in the Budapest Memorandum forced Russia to disarm itself.
Such actions were undertaken after US sanctioned Belarus in 2013 in violation of the agreement thus it was already by that point, null and void in its entirety.
If you want my opinion, the 2014 coup made all previous agreements null and void. I mean the coup happened because snipers part of the maidan movement shot their own protestors as a false flag resulting in Yanukovych’s regime’s downfall.
According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense…
Nonetheless, no Russian actions ever broken the spirit of the agreement. Minsk II was supposed to bring peace to Ukraine by providing more autonomy to regions with large ethnic minority populations, ceasefire violations committed by both sides does not violate the spirit of the agreement.
Again, rude.