What power plant is this? Is that a rock wall in the back? Was this built into the side of a mountain?
What power plant is this? Is that a rock wall in the back? Was this built into the side of a mountain?
The issue is those coal, nuclear, hydro plants are what produce power when the sun isn’t out. If you consistently shut them down for solar, they will go out of business and there will be no way to provide electricity when solar doesn’t.
It doesn’t sound like you hate going out, just being alone. Being out alone can suck, but the loneliness can’t be fixed without effort.
I just googled them and the first thing that pops up is their Amazon page saying they are a clothing company founded in 2016…
As your standard middle aged SWM I wish you the best and don’t give up. I know you might be worried about people judging you for whatever reason, but to others you are an inspiration. You might not realize, but you are making the world a better place. If everyone had the courage to try and pursue the things that make them happy or make them feel whole we would live in a much better world. Don’t be discouraged, just keep loving yourself and be who you are.
I think you’re looking at it from a rational view. However, most people don’t actually look into things and instead just read headlines and make assumptions from there. They should absolutely look into any type of fraud, waste, and abuse but generally it is done behind closed doors. The only reason this is being broadcast out to the world, despite there being seemingly overwhelming evidence of no wrong doing, is to create headlines and a PERCEPTION of wrong doing. That perception is all they care about because to their constituents perception is reality.
Us Americans really need to learn from the Swedes.
It is costing them millions of dollars a year. Trading him opens up that cap money for other players.
Trump isn’t even down. Here’s still by far the favorite to win the Republican primary and be in the presidential race. Despite all of these things he continues to have a rabid following that will easily say all of this is just a setup. Cult 45 isn’t just a moniker, they truly are very cult-like.
The time period was over two years, not four. Two years ago it was $996/week in Q2 of 2021. That’s $4316/mo or a $481/mo increase in that span. Still not $700 a month worse off, but they are worse off.
I think you are reading the “stuck at 2019 levels” and reading that as the starting point of their assertion.
The generator looks like it’s in a hydro plant, so that was my assumption. I’ve heard of one in Wyoming or Colorado with a rock wall in the control room, but I’ve never seen anything like that before.