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Cake day: July 11th, 2024

  • Of course, but if Ukraine loses before Russia crumbles, it won’t matter to Ukraine.

    There are a lot of countries, which Russia wants to invade besides Ukraine. I mentioned a few and there are a lot more in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Even Ukraine would benefit, even in a total defeat. That would mean underground warfare against Russia and a weak Russia would be hurt badly by that. Ukraine is just much harder to control then Chechnya, if they do not want to be a part of Russia.

    China, Iran, North Korea, and Turkey are all supporting it.

    No, they mostly just trade with Russia. They are not sending aid. If Russia collapses Iran and North Korea would be unhappy, but they will not intervene. Turkey and China do not care at all. Both of them can benefit from it, if they play it right. I am just saying Central Asia and for China parts of the Russian Far East.

    What kind of peace deal are you talking about?

    For example one, which freezes the current situation. Russia looses, as a victory was always to take all of Ukraine or at least the territories it claims to be Russian, which it does not control and Kursk. Ukraine also looses as it has already claimed victory would be taking back control over all territory, which is internationaly recognised as being Ukrainian. So both sides have been defeated. That is actually a very likely outcome.

  • Monitoring them anywhere in the schengen is easier than monitoring them at specific and significantly smaller subset of anywhere (at the borders)?

    Yes! How do you know they are crossing a border in Schengen? There are not permanent border checkpoints and few border patrols. So you have to be lucky to catch them in a random patrol. So you either have to know their locations at all times, hence monitor them anywhere, or you need to reintroduce border checkpoints all across the Schengen Area, which means staffing thousands of km of borders and monitoring the rest of the borders for illegal crossings as well. Obviously that destroys the entire advantage of Schengen in the first place.

    That would be optimal. However if someone objects to solution of lesser intensity, then this optimal one is not likely to succeed, is it?

    Germany expelled so many embassy staff that Russia shut down 4 out of 5 consulats. Italy also kicked out a bunch of diplomatic staff.

  • Even that peace deal, would be a massive loss for Putin. Before the full scale invasion he controlled Crimea and large parts of Donetzk and Luhansk. He would loose that. Further more he lost a lot of men in the fighting. According to Ukraine it is over half a million casulties already. Lots of Russians also left the country to avoid fighting. That is not to mention the losses of huge parts of the old Soviet stockpiles. Then he lost most of the national wealth fund. In terms of natural gas exports the EU has most of those covered without Russian gas already. Those are long term contracts, so Russia will only be able to take back part of what they lost. All of that in a shrinking market thanks to new policy within the EU to try to save gas. Cutting military spending, means a lot of Russians loose well paying jobs, which is going to tank the economy.

    In other words, that peace deal would be a massive strategic loss. It might not be fair, but it would save Ukranian lifes and might very well save more money in damages, then Russia can pay in reparations.

  • It also means that there are no gas and oil production firms with an HQ in Germany. The rest of Wintershall DEA holding the Russian assets is mainly used to get insurance money, as Putin stole all those assets. So they might get the money back, but probably not the assets.

    That puts Germany in an intressting position. Being the 9th largest oil consumer and 8th largest gas consumer certainly makes Germany dependent on other countries, but that should change. So bigger and better lobbying against climate change from what is now the third largest economy in the world.