Impressive. Sounds like you take your sunglasses game very seriously - especially if you have some on lock down for the future.
Impressive. Sounds like you take your sunglasses game very seriously - especially if you have some on lock down for the future.
Oh gosh. I now want to know what all the Leon Musks of the world are going through.
I laughed! As a late born Gen X’er though and watching the Jetsons growing up, having a robot vacuum in my house is pretty amazing. I always think back to the show about how the kids would complain about doing their chores even though all they had to do is press a button lol
Well, I wear my sunglasses at night
Wow you’ve got a good track record compared to me lol.
Countless times, I’ve just lost them randomly or misplaced them or broken them.
I was actually a lot more of a socialite before covid, so I think that could’ve been a big factor. I think the favorite pair I had(that I just broke) would probably got at the beginning of lockdown. I guess my point is I haven’t been losing/breaking shades as much as I did when I was out doing more stuff.
The last fancy shades I had were a gift given to me. I ended up accidentally leaving them at a restaurant/gaming center. Just one of my many examples of sunglasses mishaps.
My man!
Ok I would think you might be somewhat younger. This has been my philosophy for years but you start to rack up the numbers as time goes on!
Ok we’re in the same camp here lol. I guess age could also be a definite factor for this question.
I mean I just broke a pair and I have at least 5 other pairs in the house right now - although I hate most of them so probably will get a new pair.
Israel will pay for this down the road. People who did not know wtf that trash was, surely learning now.
Well you’re not wrong there. I’ve certainly tried to educate myself more regarding this decades old conflict because of the current nonsense.
Well you’re part of the brainbin. What’s your ideal solution?
Are you saying when you disagree with one of said mods there’s some kind of downvote campaign for your posts for a certain amount of time?
Are there any other counties doing this? I still can’t believe we have this criminal in office.
Download an app to wait in line and maybe save a few bucks? No thanks over here. Y’all can have spot in line!
Someone should’ve bought her a Satan Mat™️. The best mat to exercise on and get exorcised on - both at the same time!
There was a great take on one of these called “Everybody Hates Raymond”
It was the show Everybody Loves Ramon but the laugh track was completely replaced with boos and was frickin hilarious. I think it got removed from YouTube though cuz I haven’t been able to find it for years.
Not too bad. I’m up too late on a weeknight and might have some regrets tomorrow but oh well.
I am off all next week so I’m looking forward to that. Plus the hot weather has been calming down at least slightly
Blonde girl in the front lowkey vomits. Fast forward later and others in the hot tub review the stream and see it.
Gosh I added spoiler tags with a basic reveal in this post as well. Could you not see the “spoiler” button?
I know it’s super confusing without context. I was hoping the spoiler would be available.
Fitting name for a town surrounded by tollways.