• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Depending on what you’re looking for “girly” could fit.

    Ex. If a macho man is a “manly man” (which I don’t think is entirely accurate because I think the concept of machismo is much more complex than that), then a “girly girl” would kind of be the equivalent?

    Alternately, “femme” can be used to mean kind of the same thing but more respectfully since “girly” has a rather childish connotation. “Ultra femme” or “High femme” can be used to describe someone that strives for or is the peak of feminity but then… defining what that means is a whole other thing that’s probably just as complex as defining Macho/ Machismo.

    Not sure if this helps but I wish you luck in your search for the word.

  • I swear to you that I believe the Holocaust happened.

    I’m trying to say that one man, who was 18 years old, in 1943, living in Ukraine (which was part of the Soviet Union at the time), might have had limited options in what he did for a living.

    And if he didn’t want to his people to be a part of the Soviet Union then he could have ended up on a unit that was working against the Soviet Union. I’m not saying that was right or wrong. I’m just saying it’s more complicated than “this guy was a Nazi” and the whole government of Canada is full of idiots.

  • Someone will likely chime in with a more complete answer but the short answer is large therapods had big heads because they needed big strong heads for killing big strong prey.

    If a stronger bite results in more successful kills, that creates a selective pressure towards the individuals with stronger bites. Weak bite dinosaurs die. Strong bite dinosaurs live.

    To get a stronger bite, you need a lot of features. (Ex. more muscles, different structural elements) and this generally leads to heads getting bigger because big heads have more places for muscles and will then bite harder. Plus, bigger heads can bite bigger things (like, bigger necks).

    The opposite is true for the tiny arms. The arms are not tiny because it’s beneficial for them to be that small. They’re tiny because there’s no reason for them to be big.

    If you have two individuals. They both have big powerful legs, and big powerful heads but one also has thick ole arms. If those arms don’t provide any advantage to the individual, then they just cost energy, and put that individual at a disadvantage because they spent energy on arms while the other guy did just as well without them.

    There is a much better, much more science-y answer to this too but I hope this helps in a more basic sense.

    And I bet there are some cool YouTube videos and such on this exact thing if you want to do further research.