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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Im a person with a brain and some experience bud. Im completely aware of the point you/your boss were trying make. The point you are missing is this is common sense and goes without saying. Every homeless person has gone thru something that put them in that position, some more tragic then others. My problem with your story is you presented it as it was life changing story that will change the way you view homeless people. It isnt. You and your boss needed a sob story like that to feel compassion towards others? When i see homeless people i give them money and don’t even ask why. I just KNOW they’ve been thru some shit. Even people who arent homeless, who wants to sit in public and be seen begging, something’s going on there bud. Thoroughly disappointed, your story was not worth mentioning and i question you and your bosses integrity if you need a sob story to feel for others. What if the homeless guy said when he was little he was touched on his peepee by his uncle. Is that guy not worthy of compassion. Do i even really need to know what someone is going through to grant him a common courtesy of compassion and throw a dollar his way. Lol i dont know how else to explain how stupid your story is.