• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023


  • Ultimately this a definition issue, and is philosophical more than scientific. I have no doubt he’s a great neuroscientist, but it’s really not a great take. I think that the whole idea of neurochemistry cascading into the decisions we make doesn’t mean we don’t have the ability to choose within our neurochemical makeup. I think it definitely pushing a good point in that the root causes of our behavior, especially anti-social behavior, is possibly addressable in how we support and raise our kids.

  • I think the core of this is the hurtful aspects of gender roles men and boys face about how to handle and express emotions creates the situation of increased suicidality. Yeah firearms access is going to enable suicidal people to act upon their ideation, but taking it away just leaves you with a depressed/anxious guy, who doesn’t have the knowledge or resources to overcome his negative emotions. I’m not saying this in a “it’s a mental health issue not a gun issue” way, but society really normalizes the ignorance of mens’ emotions and for men to not build support for managing their emotions, be it intimate friendships, healthcare resources, healthy expression of emotions.

    I think it’s good topic to bring up, because there’s a lot of things leading to men not doing too well, and I think it’d be dumb to ignore it, given the rise of acts of violence we’ve seen in the past decade from men who really feel disconnected or disillusioned with society. Finding out what we can do to help men cope with hardship in a more productive way, and ultimately address the root causes of the issues they face can improve things for men, as well as everyone in society.

  • I’m sorry you had to handle that. Though, this is an inevitable problem for a site hosting user-generated content of any sort. I think not hosting your own content is the biggest first step. It might be better to depend on external image/filesharing sites like how things used to work with imgur, photobucket, flickr, etc. (is photobucket around anymore, lol?). This does pose a risk for link rot and what not, but I think given the scale of this operation, there’s no reason to having to be scanning your own servers for illegal content any more than you have to for basic moderation. I’m not sure how this issue works with federation (if another lemmy instance hosted a bad image/thumbnail/message, does that get copied over to beehaw?), but if your risk tolerance doesn’t want to deal with it, a non-federated option would give you more control.

    In general user generated content is always going to pose a risk to the website hosting it. It’s a matter of good risk management, from prevention and mitigation to an effective response, that will best serve both the administration and the users in terms of ensuring a safe service and minimizing legal risk.

  • I think the best protocol is report the bad actor, not engaging with them (especially inserting yourself into a situation you’re not already in), working on personal tolerance for verbal abuse and tactics for healthily managing feelings that come with getting bullied, and ultimately knowing when to remove yourself from a situation when it’s not beneficial for you any longer.

    Remember that online harassment that you speak of generally falls under trolling. Trolls do things “For the lulz”. Their goal is to entertain themselves by getting other people mad, sad, upset, or making a scene. If you don’t take the bait, you can minimize the benefit they get out of trolling.

    Getting familiar with privacy/safety settings on site you frequent is important for addressing targeted harassment.

    To address your question, I don’t know if showing a victim that someone cares is necessarily what ALL victims might want, you are just some random anonymous user to them. They may just want to not talk to people, or to talk to people they trust. Recognizing boundaries is important, especially when someone has been the victim of someone trashing those boundaries through harassment.

  • While I can’t say much about the specifics of Japanese health and nutrition, I’d argue it confirms the general tenet of dietetics that restrictive dieting is largely not good for you (and isn’t easily maintained either).

    Eating too little (or unbalanced) taxes your metabolism to free up glucose from your organ stores and store what it has, plus running the risk of nutrition deficiencies too. Plus eating too much also has it’s obvious risks.

    I think in regards to keto, the risks of high fat diets are independent from the effects of ketosis. You still run the risk of CAD, obesity, high cholesterol and the issues those bring. (It raises LDLs but lowers triglycerides according to a paper from the ACC, they and the AAND are not convinced one way or another it seems on if keto should be recommended)

  • I mean. yeah single payer is nice, however that’s really not even on the horizon for the US. For most Americans, especially those who actually have to know how to fully utilize their insurance (if lucky enough to have it), there’s no benefit for them to worry too much about a single-payer or socialized system. They have immediate needs and immediate solutions. They need to get their prescriptions, their surgeries, and their doctor’s appointments. It’s not “supporting” it, as so much as it is the devil you know.

    Practically speaking, compared to standard PPO/HMO insurance, HDHPs are pretty good. If you are low-maintenance health-wise, you don’t pay for your physical, are going to spend maybe couple hundred bucks on sick care and maintenance meds. If you have chronic illness, you will only pay the deductible before your care is 100 percent covered, so a hospital stay would be enough to meet your out-of-pocket max, and everything else is covered 100% by your insurer (whereas the traditional plans have 6-10k limits, the HDHPs are much lower at 1-2k for a person and 2-3 for a family). Especially with HSAs, which are savings/retirement accounts for medical expenses, that some employers will pay into, so basically free money to pay copays, prescriptions, even stuff like aspirin and bandages.

  • As I understand the regulations, the FDA did a roundabout way of approving the drug for general use (it was originally approved under a pathway for drugs that were dangerous and had to be closely monitored by a doctor. This really was a weak spot for the FDA’s case. So I think the main critique from the court being that the decision-making of the FDA was abitrary and capricious in relaxing rules to prescribe (if it was dangerous, why did they relax the rules for use during covid? If COVID necessitated an easier way to obtain it, was it dangerous enough to need the Subpart H approval in the first place?). So the way the FDA approved the drug opened them up to administrative challenge.

  • the issue you’ll run into is the rules and regulations on the finance industry. To prevent fraud, terrorism, or crime, there’s know-your-client and anti-money-laundering rules that most financial services follow that require you to identify yourself.

    Kofi lets you use a PayPal business account, or Stripe, which you set what is shown on the donors bank statement (so it’d show up as what you set it to, rather than a personal name/email). So that might be an option to protect you from being identified by donors, if that’s your worry.

  • Hobby stores and websites have melt and pour soap that you can melt in a mixing bowl, add fragrance and color, then pour it into a mold and let cool. The beauty bars you can often buy at the store (dove, irish spring, etc.) are made with detergents, and don’t often react well to trying to melt them, the stuff made to be melting has extra glycerin to help it melt down and harden without getting nasty.

    Brambleberry is where I buy my soap supplies. They also have guides and youtube tutorials/Q&A vids. https://www.brambleberry.com/

    Making soap is fun! The easiest thing would be some melt and pour, and fragrance oils and a cheap bowl and loaf pan from Walmart or the dollar store.

  • I think this is an important finding to promote in regards to mental health. The mental health of men and boys is not really handled all that well (you either man up or get told to be more vulnerable/open/etc, without any real chance to handle it due to stigma and societal norms). I think one, it can help us spot teens who are having depressive thoughts, and give us a chance to help address it early. I think it also helps open up guys to better understand their emotions, which is the first step to managing depressive thoughts and treating depression. Given the article, I wouldn’t be surprised if men grow up with an idea of “i’m not depressed because i’m not sad, hopeless, etc.”, when their aggressive reactions are brought out by depressive thoughts (vs crying, loss of motivation, etc).