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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Yep, plenty of girls/women out there who don’t really consider themselves “gamers” who will put multiple-digit hours into those management types of games. I personally know several like that. I would imagine a lot of women don’t really get into direct PVP online gaming due to the online environment and lack of attempts to appeal to female gamers with the designs of such games, but would probably play a lot of single-player in a bunch of different genres and series. As the article implies, Nintendo IPs in particular would be appealing due to lack of pandering to either the common “gamer” demographic or to what many other publishers think women want in games (overly stereotypical “girl stuff”).

  • Maybe the bishops in Alaska can ask if there’s a minimal amount of alcohol content that would constitute “wine” to them? If that answer is greater than zero, perhaps they could work around it if the minimum given is enough that the Church would consider it acceptable matter? I don’t know off the top of my head the minimum alcoholic content the Church allows for being considered wine for liturgical purposes, but perhaps an understanding can still be reached.

    Another option may be to allow for the wine to only be consumed by the chaplain and not offered as a species for communion for others? I can understand that the state is probably concerned about mere possession for safety and security, but one would think a prison should be secure enough to allow a chaplain a small flask to be concealed and consumed in the span of 5-10 minutes every week. Priests have faced far more dangerous situations in their ministry. If the state is concerned about litigation over security issues, just have the chaplain sign a waiver that they’re responsible for what they bring to their work.

  • Generally I agree. Many of the largest and most popular distros are run by corporate entities: Canonical (Ubuntu and its various flavors), Red Hat (RHEL, Fedora), SUSE (SLE, OpenSUSE), and so on. Many more of the popular distros are community developed but are based on, or draw heavily from, corporate distros. Most of the more “beginner friendly” distros just so happen to be these corporate distros or ones based on them. It would be foolish to think Linux would be where it’s at today without the contributions of these companies and others such as Valve, who has almost singlehandedly made Linux gaming commercially viable. It’s still up to the community, however, to keep these companies honest when it comes to staying true to FOSS principles and compliance with the FOSS licenses they work under. That includes things like telemetry and a respect for privacy and security, allowing for freedom as to when an end user wishes to update their software, and retaining the open source nature of code and companies’ contributions to it. Corporations have the freedom to use and contribute to open source software, and they even have the freedom to make profit from it. But they have no more or less freedom than anyone else has to do so as well, and that’s where we have to keep an eye on them.

  • Redundancy (multiple instances making communities on the same subject) is a thing that’ll happen. I’m already subbed to communities on several instances dedicated to the same subjects. That can have an advantage, though, in that communities on the same subject but different instances can provide different perspectives on the subject depending on the makeup of the community in each instance (membership, modding, etc). Don’t like the community in one instance? Unsub from that one and hop on over to another one. Having one account able to access multiple instances allows for that. It can also help if one community or instance goes down for whatever reason, there may be another community/instance open where you can keep interacting. So I don’t see the redundancy thing as necessarily a problem.