Just your friendly, neighborhood, geek who loves to crochet.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Ya it could be a Grackle. Does it move the injured wing in any way normally? If it can’t move the wing at all normally it may not heal well without medical intervention. Unfortunately their wings are very delicate. It sounds like you’ve done all you can in terms of phoning vets and rehabs, so I can’t really help much there, but just keep up what you are doing and keep checking with the rehabs that take small birds. Either the wing heals on it’s own or not, but either way it feels like you are doing all the right things. I hope it works out!

  • The study you linked proves that there is significant wage inequality. The very first chart demonstrates that even though productivity has increased, wages have not kept up. This is exactly my point. I’m not sure if you were intending to agree with me, but your link is just further proof that wages are definitely not where they should be.

    “Why should I work so hard for wages that don’t compensate me for said work?” Said every underpaid worker ever.

    My place of employment has been cutting headcount for years and just expecting the existing employees to do the same, and more, work for no increase in pay. And they wonder why productivity suffers?! I am still only one person. I cannot possibly perform as well as 3 people. Maybe if you’d stop cutting headcount and focus on getting things done, we’d actually be productive.

  • I live in an apartment where the only natural gas items are my furnace and hot water heater. But even if I wanted to convert (which I can’t since I rent), it wouldn’t make one lick of difference because I live in Saskatchewan where our power grid is still 80% fossil fuel powered. So using electricity is no “greener” than using the natural gas myself. Plus using natural gas is far far cheaper than electricity (even with the price on carbon for doing so).

    This issue is a lot more complex than just “more houses that are all electric with no natural gas” when you take into consideration the power grids they are attached to.

  • This needed to be said a long time ago. People can’t seem to grasp that lower interest rates mean that average Joe qualifies for a bigger mortgage. Bigger mortgage qualifications = bigger housing prices since people can overbid, etc. driving up housing prices. Lower interest rates are the opposite of what we need!

    The only people that are helped by lower interest rates are people that spent way more than they should have and are in debt up to their scalp. Those people need debt counseling/consolidation services to manage their debt individually. Don’t fuck up the rest of the housing market because you are in too much debt.