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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You act like it is the Democratic parties responsibility to inoculate against all the problems the Republicans created.

    The conservatives lost because the Democratic Party did their policies better than they could. They moved to the right and instead of trying to counter them the conservatives just went off the deep end.

    I don’t feel sorry for them nor do I applaud the direction the Democratic party went.

  • The Democratic party should play to these young men’s insecurities, lie to them, and turn them against society am I right?

    This is propaganda, psychological manipulation that the conservatives are using. Fear following into hate is a very effective tactic.

    There is no effective counter because now you have to convince a incel they are wrong. People believe what they hear especially if you are using the best of psychology to fuck with them.

  • This is a dumb take. The artist doesn’t listen to the clay when he molds it. This is not about listening. It is about telling.

    Impressionable young men being propagandized to. Manipulated to be political about topics they don’t understand.

    Being fed lies that will hurt them and everyone around them the rest of their lives so someone can get their money and their votes.

    They are not tapping these young men’s reality. They are creating it.

  • For a long time now Republicans will come up with decent solutions but are unwilling to commit to them because they would no longer have the grievances they need to drive their voters.

    The Democratic party picks these ideas up and then passes them as law. This has caused the Republican party to become increasingly desperate for new grievances hence the whole trans thing.

    To put it another way the Democratic party became conservative in their policies and the Republicans went batshit crazy because of it.

  • I am not going to split hairs about whether the commoner would use copyright back in 1710. You know they would not.

    For the privilege of copyright your idea must be truly unique to deprive others the right to use it. Perhaps you have never thought through the reality of creating artificial scarcity.

    Your elaborate strawman is apparently copyright is needed for the arts which I have pointed out is not true and I had thought you agreed with.

    We will never know if the creator of Calvin and Hobbes choose not license merchandising for the reality they could have been hit with trademark infringement.

    Certainly if Nintendo can go after Palworld, Disney could have come after Calvin and Hobbes. This is all I was alluding to.