Boz (he/him)

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • It’s only partly about the fact that most climate change is caused by the wealthy and corporations, it’s that the wealthy and corporations are trying to control the narrative, to hide their culpability and make sure the changes made won’t affect them. Like coffee shops pushing customers to bring reusable straws instead of giving out free plastic ones (boosting their “green” image while also saving money on straws) instead of putting their to-go beverages in materials that are sustainably produced or recyclable (which probably cost more than the cheap plastic cups and non-recyclable cardboard ones). Individuals can make useful changes, but usually the ones we hear about most often are not the ones that are most productive, they’re the ones that are most convenient for corporations.

    In this case, I think it’s more than blame-shifting by corporations, though there’s a hell of a lot of money in designer vegan foods.

  • I’m glad I’m not the only one, lol. I’m just sitting here like, “I think my addictive behavior is coming from the inside, because if I get the same kind of stimulus, I have the same response…”

    But, on the plus side, Lemmy is doing a much better job of delivering dopamine hits than Reddit was. Reddit is like the dealer who gives you good stuff at first, then starts cutting it with something else, raising the price, refusing to answer the phone for a month while you’re having withdrawals, and generally making your life miserable for no good reason.

  • Agreed. People keep saying that investors can be bamboozled by numbers of any kind, because they are not familiar with Reddit, because they don’t understand the technology, etc etc, but investors do know how to read, and a lot of them also know how to read the room. They might be rich scumbags who don’t understand the internet, but I am willing to bet that a lot of people who might be interested in buying Reddit understand people, and therefore, understand that you can’t run a business that defines itself as an online community when you have pissed off a whole lot of the people who make up that community.

  • Whether they’re doing it on purpose is not relevant to the legal aspect of the situation. They have a responsibility to honor deletion requests. If a user complains, the appropriate response is “sorry you had a problem, we’ll fix it,” not “sorry, we will only honor our legal responsibilities if you follow our preferred [but not stated until now] procedure for requesting deletion, try again.” Having database problems opens you up to legal liability whether you like it or not, and trying to convince users that you are not responsible for your own database is… inappropriate.

    Besides, there have been bugs with manual deletion, too. This is at least partly a problem with their own systems.