• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • You made a post about this a while ago, didn’t you? I completely forgot about these renamings! I’m also curious what will happen to the names in other languages. In Dutch, my native language, they translated the name from English: I think they’ll rename that too, but I don’t know for sure. Also, that Audubon guy doesn’t seem to deserve the organization being named after him. Ironic indeed!

  • Ik hoop dat er ofwel geen coalitie gevormd kan worden (als Omtzigt zijn woord houdt en dus niet met de PVV samengaat) en er dus nieuwe verkiezingen komen, of dat kabinet Wilders I zo incompetent is dat ze niets bereiken dat niet door de rechter wordt tegengehouden, waarna bij de volgende verkiezingen wellicht competente mensen worden gekozen. Ik vrees dat er de komende jaren veel goeds uit Nederland zal verdwijnen.

  • I completely agree with this and I would never blame anyone who doesn’t bike without good infrastructure. What I meant was that instead of hoping that self-driving cars will solve all issues, we should be pushing for better alternatives, beginning with improving infrastructure. Maybe I wasn’t clear in my previous comment, because as a Dutchman I am used to safe bike infrastructure (public transit is not so great). To summarize my opinion: we need policies that support safe infrastructure to create alternatives to driving, because cars are never the solution to climate change. Biking should be made safe and convenient, so people will actually use it.