Yes, the stats shown actually include that perk already, the stats without it would be the normal stats left of the green ones.
Yes, the stats shown actually include that perk already, the stats without it would be the normal stats left of the green ones.
Yep, idk if its actually a bug, or meant to show you the stats it would have when it would be active, since they will be always displayed as green next to the “actual” crit values. Thats probably not intended, since green just means “hey this stat was changed since you last looked”, but hey… its a feature i guess lmao. And ye, outburst or just cascadia accuracy for 300% cc on roll for 4sec. However, both have such diminishing returns from the crit this build already has, that just the +30% headshot multiplier from deadhead, outdamages further crit buffs by a lot. Also just having 0 recoil with that is nice, with the incarnon perk, tho ye you could also get that with stabilizer… but i cant fit that on anymore rn. :'D
Not enough! Never enough!
Just to mention it, i like this skin, that i bought and posed with in captura… to noones surprise, people on reddit did NOT get it.
Basically, 240% str that goes to 300% with molt augmented, 340% with madurai etc., but i just like 300% as a round number. Because of her passive that makes orbs sometimes much stronger, with equilibrium she can regain a lot of energy, so i have 50% effi and still can spam this. Which works perfectly with the new shieldgate mod to constantly reset it with any ability cast.
My maths is, i made it tf up. :'D Ok no, i think i just half-ahh tested outburst, prob didnt do something right then, and just saw that the other arcane, cascadia accuracy, gave smaller dmg number then deadhead. I didnt do any math really lmao. But i can try again ingame tomorrow with outburst, i really wasnt too accurate for results.