Looking for another part time job. the vast majority of these available jobs read like the creepy listing where some guy is looking for a roommate but is specifically looking for female roommates only.
Just gross.
Looking for another part time job. the vast majority of these available jobs read like the creepy listing where some guy is looking for a roommate but is specifically looking for female roommates only.
Just gross.
My current job, I asked what the pay was, they said 'you tell us what it should pay".
So I asked what the range was, and they said “thats not how this works, you tell us what you want” so I said a highish number for me at the time. They’re like “ok, that works”.
Turns out I make 40% less than all my co workers because I didn’t know what the range was commonly for this role. Theor game let me lowball myself. It’s completely BS.
That’s why I always start with 1 million dollars. Then I tell them not to worry, I have wiggle room!
Let the negotiations begin!